It is forbidden to copy, reproduce or use extracts of the images published here without written permission.
Es wird ausdrücklich untersagt, ohne schriftlicher Genehmigung, die hier veröffentlichten Bilder zu kopieren, zu vervielfätigen oder auch auszugsweise zu nutzen.
photography is under copyright (c) 2019 Jürgen Barnickel, Bamberg, all rights reserved
camera artworks
pop art
Gallery standard - original photo print behind acrylic glass
Format 150 x 100cm, 105 x 70 cm
Limited edition (1 masterpiece - artworks max. Edition of 7) signed and numbered by the artist
contact for price
pull down for more pictures!
cavallino (105 x 70)
palmiers (100 x 150)
hibiscus_black (105 x 70)
car_95 (105 x 70)
toupie (105 x 70)
pink_palm (105 x 70)
jean (70 x 105)
motorcycle (105 x 70)
the_room (105 x 70)
911 (105 x 70)
flow 1 (105 x 70)
abstract_o (105 x 70)
dreamcar (105 x 70)
million$koi (105 x 70)
bodylanguage (105 x 70)
flow 2 (150 x 100)
divide (105 x 70)
orion (105 x 70)
jb (90 x 60)
space (105 x 70)
steel 1 (60 x 90)
firework (90 x 60)
wheel (105 x 70)
palms (105 x 70)
scooter 1 (105 x 70)
scooter 2 (105 x 70)
pull (150 x 100)
back (100 x 150)
flower 1 (90 x 60)
flowers 2 (150 x 100)
flag (70 x 105)
times square 1 (150 x 100)
times square 2 (100 x 150)
times square 3 (150 x 100)
towers (105 x 70)
secret (70 x 105)
wall (70 x 105)
chicago (70 x 105)
animal (70 x 105)
sunrise (105 x 70)
orchid (105 x 70)
stones (105 x 70)
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